This fangled Newgrounds thing is very interesting.

Age 30, Male

Traveling time


Colorado, USA

Joined on 4/9/06

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C-Doodlez-Man's News

Posted by C-Doodlez-Man - January 18th, 2009

Newgrounds.com, I give you, the explosions collab! I was sitting at my desk today, I was practicing animation by animating a radio tower exploding and falling to the ground, and I thought to myself: "Hey, I could just make a bunch of random clips into a animation reel of mine and submit it." Then, it hit me: even better, make an Explosions Collab!

Anyone may join this collab. I do admit I don't have a 3.50 batting average (or whatever the rule is), but I believe that only applies to the forums; coorect me if I'm wrong. SO, anyways, anyone can join the collab, and as the title and Background suggests, it canbe about anything you want, as long as you make an explosion in it. I may change that later where it must be some sort of structure or something like that exploding, but for now, it can be about ANYTING exploding.

FPS: 30
Canvas size: 450x500 (standard canvas)
Background: White (or make your own)
Clip length: No longer than 20 seconds.
Remind me if I left something out and I'll update it.

There are currently 10 parts, I will add or subtract as I need. If it's popular, there will be more. If it's not I'll make it less. If you'd like to make a preloader, please, go for it! Just let me know, I'll add you to the parts, and send me the file so i can decide if I should be in the collab. I am planning on doing the menu, but if someone can blow my mind with a better one, they get the job.

So, here is the current list of members, I will update it as people sign up. Sign up by PMing me, or replying to this post.

Preloader: Open
Menu: C-doodlez-man
Part 1: C-doodlez-man
Part 2: Open
Part 3: Open
Part 4: Open
Part 5: Open
Part 6: Open
Part 7: Open
Part 8: Open
Part 9: Open
Part 10: Open

Please join!

Posted by C-Doodlez-Man - January 5th, 2009

Hey! I have a new animation I am working on. A Day to Die 3 is on hold right now.
It's a Halo 3 spoof. It will have a fun little montage of Halo things. It's in planning but I did finifh the preloader. That is all I will say for now...

BUT! Here is a screenshot of the interactive preloader.

I have 3 pictures stacked up, and here is what they are:

(TOP) The preloader includes a mini animation, and 3 guns to mess around with while you wait.

(MIDDLE) The mini animation is playing.

(BOTTOM) Click the weapons to fire them (seen in picture: shotgun) A fun little time waster.

My new animation: A First Look (Halo 4)

Posted by C-Doodlez-Man - December 25th, 2008

Hey Newgrounds. I'm working on A Day To Die 3, a pick a death animation. This one will have 20 deaths, if you'd like to co-author me on this one, that would be great, I could use some help whether it be ideas, animation, sound, whatever. If you contribute in a noticable way, you'll get co-authored. SO PM me if your interested. There is a screenshot at the bottom there.

Also, tomorrow I'm heading out to buy Guitar Hero: World Tour for my new Xbox. It looks freakin' sweet but does anyone here have that game? The features and song list look the best of any GH I've ever seen or played.

And the screenshot for A Day To Die:

A Day To Die 3 and Guitar Hero WT

Posted by C-Doodlez-Man - December 23rd, 2008

I'm making "A Day To Die 3", my latest movie. I finished my christmas one.So A Day To Die is a pick your death deal. And I want you, newgrounds, to help me come up with and brainstorm some ideas. So if you have any suggestions on how you'd like poor John to die please comment.

And here's a screenshot:

Death Movie Suggestions

Posted by C-Doodlez-Man - December 21st, 2008

EDIT: Hey I just wanted to thank you all for your good comments (3 so far, lol) it's really motivating me to go onward with this. So thanks alot!
Here's a screenshot from my upcoming work. I'm not saying anything else, it's a surprise (you can't open it up until christmas!)
So here it is:

Upcoming work

Posted by C-Doodlez-Man - December 14th, 2008

EDIT: To late. I already have a voice actor, but if you'd like to be in an upcoming movie of mine, just let me know and I'll PM you when something new is coming up.
Hello, I'm making a last minute Bill Murray week submission, and I need a voice actor.
Heres what I need, If you want to do it you can PM me and Ill give you my email for you to send it to me or you can do whatever you want.

Script: (TV)"Welcome to the Bill Murray Museum. Bill Murray was born..... a long time ago. Here at the museum, you can learn about his accomplishments and achievements and see the merchandise from his movies. So step through the door of history and learn about Bill murray" (perhaps some cheesy documentary music in background, but I can probably set that up)

Seperate clip:
Woman"Welcome to the Bill Murray museum."

Seperate Clip:
Same woman:"What?"

Seperate clip:
Same woman:"What twinkies?"

Posted by C-Doodlez-Man - October 15th, 2008

Use Mochiads in your flash game. It's easy to use, and it's easy income. If your a game developer, this is an ideal way to turn clicks into cash, and you can still place the game on any website you'd like! Click here to go to mochiads.

Posted by C-Doodlez-Man - October 12th, 2008

/* */
Yeah as you can see Im obsessed with office space

Posted by C-Doodlez-Man - September 28th, 2008

I've just finished my simple game tutorial. You can check it out, it teaches you how to make a simple shooting game with points.

Posted by C-Doodlez-Man - September 22nd, 2008

Proving to be very interesting so far. I might yet submit my un-finished madness day animation before the day is out, just to be apart of it. What do you think about madness day so far?